Are you thinking about upgrading your locks to improve the security of your home? Begin here to gain a better understanding of how and when to rekey rather than replace them entirely.
How to Rekey a Lock
Keyrings may quickly become crowded (and heavy!) when you consider everything you put on them: keys for your car, mailbox, back door, side door, and front door, as well as a number of little rewards cards shaped and pierced to hang. Carrying everything will make your pockets jingle with each step and spend precious minutes every day shuffling for the correct copy to the door or locker you want to open. Fortunately, rekeying a couple of your locks is a simple, inexpensive, and even do-it-yourself solution that can lessen your load. With this handy guide, you’ll learn when, why, and how to rekey a lock.
What it Means to Rekey a Lock
A pin and tumbler lock, which is commonly seen on locking deadbolts and doorknobs, consists of a cylindrical plug that is held by a steel cutaway and a number of springs and pins that allow a specific key shape to turn in the lock. In order for a key to turn the locking device, the depth of the key’s unique grooves must be matched by the pin configuration.
When you want to use a different existing key to open the lock-say, so you don’t have to use separate keys to open the side, back and front doors-the pins must be able to disassemble the lock. which are of varying heights, removed and replaced by new pins that match the cuts and grooves in the new key.
Reasons to Rekey a Lock
As previously said, rekeying is the best option for homeowners who want to have a single key that opens their entire home or apartment door locks. This method can reduce a full key ring to a few basics, taking up less room in your pocket or bag and saving you time searching for the right one.
Rekeying a lock, on the other hand, can increase a building’s security measures. Following new home construction, during which a variety of people, including inspectors, subcontractors, and contractors, may have copies of door keys, new homeowners may wish to ensure they have the only keys to their property before taking possession.
It’s also usual for landlords and property managers to have door locks rekeyed whenever a new resident comes in. Whether you’re moving into a previously owned building or have simply lost your set of extra keys, rekeying is a cost-effective option to replace the lock that gives you the peace of mind that no one else has a key to your home.
Replacing a Lock Versus Rekeying
Both rekeying and replacing a lock effectively change out a lock to limit access, but in some situations, you must go through both processes. If you’ve misplaced the key to your existing lock(s), you won’t be able to rekey it by disassembling it. Replace the lock first.
A worn or damaged lock will not be repaired by rekeying. You’ll almost certainly need to replace the lock with a fractured or warped locking mechanism soon, so consider doing so first. Then, if your purpose was to modify the locks so that you have the only key, you’re done; rekeying is only required if you want numerous locks to share a single key. If you have many lock brands, you must choose one and replace the others to match the brand before rekeying.
Options for Rekeying a Traditional Lock
Call a locksmith.
This is the most inexpensive choice. A locksmith can come to your home and fix everything in one go. They can rekey all your locks and can also provide your own building. You can simply hire local locksmith Port Orchard as they have been working in this department for many years. They are well experienced in rekeying your locks and they make sure that no old key will work anymore on your locks after they are done rekeying them. If you are also looking for someone professional at a reasonable rate then they are the best choice for you.
Few people also rekey their locks by themselves. Although it is not a nice idea because it is something that is related to your safety and it has to be done perfectly. But still, if you are rekeying your locks by yourself here is how to do that-
Buy a rekey kit designed specifically for your lock’s brand and rekey it yourself. If you can’t find a local store that will rekey a lock for a reasonable price, you can buy the tools needed to rekey the lock. Purchase a rekey kit that matches the brand of lock you wish to rekey.
A single lock rekey kit normally costs between $12 and $25, depending on the brand and kind of lock. Rekeying kits for some of the most common lock brands are available in hardware stores, but they can also be obtained from lock makers and online retailers.
Everything you need to rekey the lock is included in the kit, including tweezers and tiny picks, a key gauge (which is used to determine the depth of the cutouts on your new key), an assortment of springs and pins to replace the existing ones in the lock, and any other tools you’ll need to disassemble and reassemble the lock.
Rekeying Smart-type Locks
Some people, such as owners of large office buildings, and apartment managers find it essential to rekey locks on a regular basis. To meet this need, numerous lock manufacturers have produced locks with smart-type rekeying technology, which allows a manager to rekey the lock in less than a minute and without disassembling it. Instead, the lock’s design makes use of a specific master key to allow for quick and easy rekeying, with the smart rekeying method varied per manufacturer. If you would benefit from frequent rekeying, looking into today’s possibilities could ease your life while yet tightening security at home.